Freedom of Religion

"In our early struggles for liberty, religious freedom could not fail to be a primary object" - Thomas Jefferson
In this quote, Thomas Jefferson shows that freedom of religion is part of liberty, freedom.

Prior to the creation of modern-day America, the first Americans who came from Europe were the British who weren't allowed to practice their own religion, but everybody had to be part of the Church of England or nothing. People often mistake "separation of church and state" to be protecting the state from the church, but in truth, our founding fathers were attempting to protect the church from the state and avoid what happened in England - imposing a national religion. Because of this, our founding fathers thought it important to be able to practice any faith or not even have a faith at all and still have all of the same rights as people who were Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, or followers of any other faith. Jefferson and Madison thought that this was the most important of our freedoms and so it's not shocking that this is the very first of our amendments- freedom of religion. 

The First Amendment to the Constitution

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances"

How Freedom of Religion is Limited

Some religions - like Islam - have practices that are in direct opposition with our laws. For instance, honor killings and child brides. Though it may be part of the religion, we don't allow it because we believe that people have a right to live in America. This is one way that freedom of religion is limited. So, in short, you can practice your religion freely if it does not harm others.

Controversy Surrounding Freedom of Religion -
G-d's Name in the Pledge of Alleigiance

"Sometimes I think the environment in which we operate is entirely too secular. The fact that we have freedom of religion doesn't mean that we need to have freedom from religion" - Bill Clinton
This quote shows that removing "one nation under G-d" from the Pledge of Allegiance is just another step in the direction of being "entirely too secular."

Today, the secular Left has started a deadly war against G-d in American life. This is an attack on American culture and is historically dishonest. The decision to rule the phrase "one nation under G-d" as unconstitutional was the final straw in this unending war. A court that would destroy a pledge of allegiance adopted by congress, signed by the president, and supported by 91% of the American people is a court that is clearly out of touch with an America that understands that our rights come from G-d, which is why no government or court can justly take them away from us.